À propos de nous - About Us

Nos photos sont la plume à votre histoire. Créatives, nous allons capturer vos meilleurs moments. Nous sommes passionnées par l'amour, la vie et les gens.

Our photos are the pencil to your story. Let us be creative and we will capture your greatest moments. We are passionate about love, life and people.


Mariage d'Annie et Sylvain à l'Ambroisie à Montréal - Annie and Sylvain's wedding at l'Ambroisie in Montreal


J'ai rencontré Annie et Sylvain alors que je leur enseignais le rockabilly jive avec l'école de danse Rock Avenue. Quand j'ai appris qu'ils étaient fiancés et qu'ils voulaient qu'on se rencontre pour jaser mariage, j'étais tout de suite hyper excité d'en savoir plus sur leur journée ! Et quelle journée ils ont eu ! Il faisait super beau, la cérémonie et la réception se déroulait à l'Ambroisie sur le bord du Canal Lachine à Montréal. On a eu droit à une cérémonie sous le vent et plusieurs fou rires ! 

Pour couronner le tout, les amoureux ont choisi d'inviter des professeurs de rockabilly pour offrir un cours d'initiation à leurs invités pour qu'eux aussi puissent faire brûler les planches de la piste de danse ! Évidemment, j'ai déposé ma caméra l'instant de deux chansons pour me joindre à eux et danser ! 

* * *

I met Annie and Sylvain while teaching them rockabilly jive with Rock Avenue dance school. When I heard they were engaged and they wanted us to meet to talk wedding, I was super excited to learn more about their day! And what a day they had! Wonderful weather, the ceremony and reception took place at the Ambroisie on the banks of the Lachine Canal in Montreal. We were treated to a windy ceremony filled with giggles! 

To top it off, the couple chose to invite rockabilly teachers to provide an intro class to their guests so that they too could dance it off! Obviously, I put my camera down for two songs to join them and dance!

Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer
Montreal wedding photographer

Fleurs / Flowers - Flore Connexion, Longueuil
Robe de la mariée et des demoiselles d'honneur / Bridal dress and bridesmaids dresses - Mariée en folie, Greenfield Park
Habit / Suit - Le Château
Souliers / Shoes
Elle / Her - Tania chaussure
DJ - DJ Malo, Éric Malo
Gâteau / Cake - Annie Beauregard
Alliances / Rings - Lavigueur

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